"Don't aspire to be the best on the team. Aspire to be the best for the team!"

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Week 12 Recap


Week 12 was quite a success! I am extremely happy with the effort and discipline shown this week. Only 6 weeks until tryouts which gives you 18 sessions to get to your peak performance. As a reminder, DO NOT be afraid to ask questions and make sure that you are all fully understanding each drill that we cover from day to day. Remember, as coaches we cannot read your minds if you need help, so please speak up and we are happy to answer questions and make sure that every athlete is understanding exactly what needs to be done to have a successful practice together.

This week we covered;

    • 110% every single drill
    • I would rather each of you make mistakes because your HUSTLE is there vs have to remind that I need maximum effort
    • Get your hands fully extended through the ball. This creates more pop, the ball stays on the bat longer which allows your ball to travel further than when you pull off.
    • Use your legs!!!! Your legs are there for a reason so lets make sure that we use the lower half to our advantage.
    • Keep your head on the ball. This week all of us were pulling our heads making us lose full extension on the ball, giving you lack of power through your swing and not creating enough pop off the bat.
    • Swing hard! Every swing counts and when we are doing drills if we are not giving our maximum effort than whats the point of doing the drill?
    • When fielding a ball make sure you are fully turned and using your legs to create enough momentum to make a solid and accurate throw
    • Throws, throws, and more throws! We have to get better at making accurate throws. Make sure you are using your body properly by getting your arm back to 90 degrees, using your legs and making sure your front foot is pointed in the direction of where you want to make your throw.
    • When covering your bag make sure you are ready to make the tag and focused on where the ball is coming from. 
    • When fielding a ball, remember to approach the ball with your butt down, glove out front, and athletic stance.

Again, great work today ladies! Lets enter week 13 with the mindset of 110% at all times.

See you all Tuesday!


Monday, January 8, 2018



Tryouts will start February 26th, location and time will depend on weather. To get updates on location and time make sure to check in here on the website.

Please make sure that you have completed all of the requirements listed below;
  1. Complete REGISTER MY ATHLETE online @ RegisterMyAthlete.com
  2. GET A PHYSICALPhysical Form from Register My Athlete must be complete & turned in to Krista, MMHS Athletic Trainer by Feb 26th.
  3. 9th graders complete 9th GRADE RESIDENCY FORM @ RegisterMyAthlete.com and turn into Jackie, Head Coach.
  4. All athletes must have a 2.0 GPA or higher to participate.
  5. If you are a transfer complete all forms and please talk to    Mrs. Raine in the counseling office.

Register My Athlete will have all of the paperwork that you need, and if you have any questions please feel free to send me a text 801-574-8927 and I can call you at my earliest convenience or shoot you a quick message back answering your questions. 

Ladies, remember not to put this off to the last minute because if it is not done you will not be able to tryout for the team. 

See you all this week!


Sunday, January 7, 2018

First week back recap


Great to be back this week! We ironed out some kinks and bruises and will continue to do that this upcoming week. Coming back from a break is always hard, so lets jump right and get back to where we were in November.

This week we took a lot of cuts and some takeaways were:

1. Make your throws!

2. Stay focused

  • Work the entire 2 hours as if you are running "Gassers" 😅    

(I promise they will get easier)

3. Hitting reminders:
  • Complete extension with hands
  • Drive your back hip/leg 
  • Swing hard and swing with a purpose
  • Be aggressive! 
Remember ladies, we are here to work hard and improve every single day we are together, so make a lot of mistakes and don't be afraid to ask questions. Week one back has officially started the final stretch to tryouts in February, so lets make every second count and have some fun!

See you all Tuesday!
